How Do You Issue a Winding Up Petition?

A Winding Up Petition (WUP) is the most serious action that can be taken against a company and usually is only issued if a creditor is determined to recover an undisputed debt or put the company out of business because the debtor company is believed to be insolvent.

The creditor will issue a statutory demand, which is a formal notice giving the debtor 21 days to settle the debt. If it remains unsatisfied after that time the creditor makes an application to the High Court or a Chancery Court (a division of the High Court) District Registry to wind the company up. 

If you receive a WUP, you must act quickly and should contact business expert Peter Murray on 020 7504 1300 immediately as there may still be time to discuss options such available to for the company.  This does not have to be the end of the road if you wish to carry on trading .

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