Prepare for the zombie company storm

Zombie companies harm other businesses because they trade while insolvent

Directors and business owners should expect to see the beginning of the pandemic fallout during the second half of 2022. Currently, Britain’s economy is operating with a dangerously high number of zombies, insolvent companies that: Earn just enough money to continue trading Are unable to pay off their debt This miserable and worrisome situation is…

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Laws for winding up orders need more clarity

New measures for the issuing of winding up petitions unclear

Entrepreneurial small business owners should be overjoyed with Government plans to increase the debt threshold for winding-up petitions to £10,000. The move is in harmony with new protections and laws designed to support businesses. Temporary measures introduced last year under CIGA 2020 will be replaced from 1 October to 31 March 2022. Subsequently, more debtor-friendly…

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