The 79th Group – under investigation for “suspected widespread fraud”.

The 79th Group is under investigation for “suspected widespread fraud” . This will come as a shock to
many investors who have placed their funds and trust in this company that now seems “too
good to be true”.
Whilst The 79th Group and its subsidiaries are currently still trading, the arrests of 4 people
and seizing of assets at 5 properties is a sign of uncertainty, trouble and worry to come for
On Our Radar
Insolvency & Law have had The 79th Group on its radar for a number of years. We conducted
preliminary investigations and red flags were apparent to us in the shape of unsustainably
huge returns on investments. Additonally, security trustees in the shape of Castle Trust & Management
Services Ltd (in Liquidation), multiple companies with limited history and a whistle blower
exposing clandestine overseas boiler room operations with dubious salary payment set ups
for employees. It sounded like a classic Ponzi scheme to us.
Too Good to Be True
The faces of The 79th Group (who we are assuming were the 4 people that were arrested) are
David Webster, his sons Jake and Curtis and Natalie Bellis, the CEO. The company bases its
values on strong family ethics of loyalty and ethics. The glowing reviews and smiling faces
on the website, alongside the presence of reassuring enablers no doubt enticed many an
investor to part with their savings in one or more of the millions of pounds of loan note
products. Up until now, it has all seemed too good to be true, with the true story exposing
potential criminal activities on the horizon.
Part of our work at Insolvency & Law is to try and educate our readers on spotting red flags
with unregulated investments, however time and time again we find people drawn to glossy
brochures, high pressure sales techniques and promises of unsustainably high interest
returns. Meanwhile the real red flags and buried evidence are often unnoticed or not
discovered until too late. We are therefore not surprised by the City of London Police press
release on Operation MOLD and the subsequent arrests.
Historically, our work upset 79 th Group who appeared to be incredibly brand sensitive and
we received several legal letters before action through their lawyers Graham Small and
Katherine Mills of JMW Group citing defamation and loss of earnings. Naturally we did not
flex to their unreasonable demands.
Who Enabled Them?
79th Group would not have got to where they are now without the full suite of enablers
around them. Introducers such as New Capital Link, who we have blogged on here and here
have been instrumental in providing clients for loan note products who are impressed by
the promise of security trustees. Such as Castle Trust & Management Services Ltd who we
have blogged on here (and are due to update on soon). Furthermore, The 79th Group use
lawyers such as JMW Group to divert and squash any potential waves on the horizon that
might expose their shady business set up. We are positive more enablers will come to light
as investigations proceed.
Contact Police
Full details are yet to be disclosed. However, potential victims are being asked to make contact to
the police via this link here.
Insolvency & Law – Third Party Recovery
At Insolvency & Law, we believe in uncovering the full truth behind financial misconduct.
Potential investors often see only the marketing headlines, but we dig deeper. We analyse
backgrounds, histories, and hidden affiliations to expose the real risks.
Insolvency & Law will be monitoring the situation with 79 th Group as it unfolds and
continuing our own investigations. We welcome hearing from any potential victims who
invested in this company. We will be investigating the possibilities of Third-Party Actions
against regulated entities that have enabled The 79th Group. This could result in recoveries for
investors funds. Please get in touch with [email protected].
If you have a Loan Note with 79th Group and have not received your interest or redemption payment, please contact [email protected] to discuss the recovery of your funds.
If you need us to investigate individuals or companies before making financial
commitments, don’t hesitate to reach out. Transparency and investor protection remain
our priority.
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The 79th Group is under investigation for “suspected widespread fraud” . This will come as a shock tomany investors who have placed their funds and…
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