Insolvency Service adjusts IVA payment rules

Insolvency Services urges insolvency practitioners to consider cost of living crisis in IVA procedures

The Insolvency Service is to overhaul the Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) regime in the wake of the cost of living crisis.   Individual Voluntary Arrangements are legally binding court-approved agreements that people make to pay all or part of the debts they owe. An IVA is a statutory insolvency procedure managed by an insolvency practitioner…

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Dark Side of Liquidation

Support for unsecured creditors in liquidations is scarce

When a limited company enters liquidation, for whatever reason, revenue from the sale of the company’s assets is redistributed amongst creditors and shareholders in order of priority.   The director’s powers cease and an insolvency practitioner (IP) takes over managing the company’s affairs. The director no longer has any control over the company or its…

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Tips for bankrupts and bankruptcy in 2021

Bankruptcy is a no-brainer if you have no assets and lots of debts

Considering the state of the UK economy, it should come as no great surprise if there’s an increase in the number of bankrupts and bankruptcy procedures in 2021. In the vast majority of cases, the main causes of bankruptcy are: Loan defaults Unemployment Business failures A downward trend in the economy    If you have…

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Business rescue advice: administration vs CVL

administrations are usually longer and more expensive than CVLs

When directors resolve not to rescue an insolvent company, an insolvency practitioner (IP) may recommend placing the company into administration. However, in many instances a creditors’ voluntary liquidation (CVL) would be a more suitable insolvency procedure. Whereas companies remain in administration for at least 12 months, CVLs usually take less time and therefore incur fewer…

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Benefits of a creditors’ committee

Benefits of a creditors committee

Creditors in a statutory insolvency procedure should establish a creditors’ committee if they want to influence proceedings, set the basis for the insolvency practitioner’s fees, and increase dividends for the general body of creditors. A creditors’ committee consists of 3 to 5 people who are responsible for setting the basis of the insolvency practitioner (IP)’s…

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Understanding your insolvency practitioner (IP) Part 2

Seek advice from an independent professional when considering any insolvency procedure

It’s fair to say the laws surrounding the insolvency regime were written largely by and for insolvency practitioners (IPs). The legislation governing insolvencies throughout England and Wales came into force with the passing of the Insolvency Act 1986. These laws were updated 30 years later with the enactment of the Insolvency Rules 2016. The 2016…

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