How to Bring a Professional Negligence Claim
We provide assistance to claimants pursuing actions against professionals.
Call 0207 504 1300 now for guidance with your Breach of Duty Claim
A Professional Negligence Claim usually comes about when a professional fails to deliver the duty of care they are supposed to provide. I&L offers expert guidance and support that can help you pursue a court action.
Making a claim
When a Professional Negligence Claim is made against a professional with indemnity insurance, their lawyers step in and take over the case.
Insurance lawyers have deep pockets and will drag out court proceedings trying to outspend and ultimately defeat the claimant.
Nevertheless, your Professional Negligence Claim is likely to be successful if you can clearly prove that:
- A professional owed you a duty of care
- That duty of care was breached
- The breach caused you sustained loss.
In most cases, it helps if your claim is a class action because 1 person's allegation is subjective. But the same accusation will be taken more seriously if 20 others say they've experienced the same problem.
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Litigation Funding is a complex issue. Depending on your circumstance, we can either finance your court claim or recommend a suitable 3rd-party funder. Call 020 7504 1300 now for free and confidential advice…